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Lines of Coverage Offered

In 2022, CCFC Insurance wrote 180 lines of coverage from administrative action to wrongful acts coverage. Our coverage options are designed to help our clients manage and control their risk.

Our coverage options are designed to help our clients manage and control their risk, as well as profit from underwriting. With our team of experienced underwriters, we can provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each business.

At CCFC, we are pleased to offer a comprehensive line of insurance products to protect your business from various risks. Our range of products includes:

  • Supply Chain Interruption

  • Errors & Omissions

  • Loss of Key Supplier

  • Fiduciary Liability

  • Directors & Officers

  • Credit Default  

And other risk-related coverage options

28 years of experience

180 lines of coverage offered

Serving 100+ industries

Our Advantages

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Contractual Liability

As a business owner, it's important to ensure that you have the right insurance coverage to protect yourself from potential lawsuits and legal disputes. Contractual liability coverage is designed to protect you from liability that arises from contracts or agreements that you have entered with other parties. This type of coverage can be particularly important if you work with vendors, suppliers, or other third-party contractors.

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Unlike other types of insurance, such as liability or property insurance, product warranty insurance is much more passive. Rather than actively protecting against a particular risk, it simply involves a promise from the manufacturer or seller to repair, replace, or refund the purchase price of a defective product.

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Service Contracts

With this type of insurance, you can protect your business from financial losses resulting from claims made against your service contracts. Whether it's a breach of contract, errors and omissions, or other issues, service contracts insurance can provide you with peace of mind.

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Tenant Liability

Our Tenant Liability Insurance offers a wide range of benefits, including coverage for accidental damage to the rental property, personal injuries suffered by a guest or visitor, and loss of personal property due to theft or natural disasters. The policy is competitively priced and can be easily customized to suit your specific needs and budget. Our team of insurance experts will be happy to assist you in selecting the right coverage options that fit your unique requirements.

Our insurance experts work closely with you to customize a policy that meets your specific business needs, ensuring that you have superior coverage and protection.

We understand that running a successful business comes with inherent risks, and we are committed to helping you navigate those risks with confidence. Our team of experienced insurance professionals provides you with reliable insurance coverage that helps protect and safeguard your business.

Contact us today to learn more about our insurance products and how we can help you protect your business.

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With CCFC’s customized insurance products, our clients gain peace of mind knowing that their unique risks are adequately covered.

©2023 by CCFC Insurance

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